About giving to saving shasta cats
Thank you!
Without the heartfelt support of our caring family of donors, we would far more limited in our ability to help cats. We provide many services related to cat welfare here in southcentral Siskiyou County, including rescues of abandoned cats, emergency care for feral and abandoned cats, spay/neutering of colonies, inoculations and medical care, foster care, and adoption placement. We also facilitate and provide direct support for low income and houseless cat owners who may lose their ability to have their pet without assistance. In these days of isolation and aloneness, a pet means everything to isolated individuals, children estranged from school, seniors unable to socialize, and others. We are helping our community love, with your help. Thank you from all of us here at Saving Shasta Cats!
Luckily, there are several great ways to give to Saving Shasta Cats, including apps such as Venmo and Zell, PayPal or a good old fashioned check. However it arrives we are so thankful for your kind generosity and your appreciation of our work saving hundreds of cats each year. Your support strengthens us each day!
What do we need most?
Saving Shasta Cats has significant ongoing areas of need related to direct operational costs, i.e. veterinarian costs and food. Our animal hospital bills are very high (over $140k annually, 2020-21) because we rescue animals who are often in need of immediate emergency medical help. Oftentimes, we pick up abandoned cats who are pregnant or needing treatment for skin conditions, injuries after being hit by cars and other illnesses. If you would like to contribute to our veterinary animal fund to help pet owners in need of food support, please consider giving today via check, PayPal, Venmo or Zell in the links below.
Legacy Giving
Sometimes the best way to memorialize your love is through legacy giving. Will you consider including SSC in your will or trust? We hope you will honor your love through our legacy giving program. If you would like to consider this generous option and have questions, please contact our development administrator: [email protected].
We thank you for your kind consideration.
SSC Cat Food Pantry
Thank you for supporting our life saving work! Your tax deductible donation feeds hungry cats, and provides routine and emergency veterinary care including spay and neuter.
Please make your checks payable to:
P. O. Box 562
Dunsmuir, California 96025

other ways to give
If you would like to know how to give in other ways, please consider hosting a FB fundraiser, or sponsoring a family using our new food pantry. You may decide to attend one of upcoming events, or by sharing our website or social media pages. One of the very best ways to support SSC is by becoming a foster! SSC strongly supports our wonderful volunteer foster families, and we love them. Becoming part of the SSC foster community is a great way to connect with people who care. For information about what fosters do, how we support them and how you may become a foster carer, please email us at [email protected] or call us weekdays 10-4pm. And thank you!
Without love from the broader community, SSC simply cannot survive. Your contribution really makes a vital difference in our ability to keep going —in buying costly pet food, to putting gas in volunteer’s cars, to catching up on outstanding vet bills, to supporting our volunteers out there traipsing through snowdrifts and scorching heat to find and help cats! We hope you will consider donating your support through volunteering time, becoming a foster, or by donating money toward one of the campaigns below or our general fund. Please let us know how we may bring you closer to Saving Shasta Cats.
Upcoming Campaigns and Ongoing Needs
Saving Shasta Cats has TWO other major goals for early 2022, including plans to purchase an economy cargo van and hiring a part time on-call vet tech. Each of these endeavors are necessary to significantly realign our operational expenses to improve the efficiency of our operations. These exciting steps will strengthen operations and get our staff in our of the harsh weather during outcalls.
SCC “Cat Mobile” Fundraiser is coming in February 2022!
Our “Cat Mobile” will be outfitted for field transportation of cats (often 30 cats at once!) and delivery of vet tech field care, triaging of cats who are often severely injured or suffering after being abandoned, as well as transporting supplies to our food pantry and at-risk pet owners participating in our food pantry programs. Keep an eye out for our upcoming campaign and events page here and on social media; or you may join our email list or best of all become a member and receive our annual newsletter, links to dozens of coupons for pet supplies and tips on pet care resources.
Care in the field is going to be much easier when our van can provide us with a warn place to help cats. Please consider giving toward this worthy cause!
The SSC Cat Mobile $50k fund drive will kick off just before Valentine’s Day 2022, But you can give to this cause early! Memo your check or Venmo, “I want to see the SSC the Cat Mobile happen!”, and your name will be entered into our Valentine’s day drawing for special gifts of appreciation! And thank you for being a friend to Saving Shasta Cats.
Our Vet Tech Campaign kicks off Thanksgiving weekend 2021
You will see lots of exciting posts on our Facebook page as we kick off this worthy and sensible endeavor! SSC is hiring a part time on-call vet tech to streamline our operational services. Currently all medical care is performed at our local animal hospital. Much of SSC’s work is simple treatments not requiring invasive procedures, such as vaccinations, minor abrasions or cuts typically found on abandoned cats unfamiliar with survival outside, care of mange and other skin conditions. However, most importantly our vet tech will stabilize and transport severely ill or injured animals to the animal hospital. By separating out this cost, SSC will bring more immediate care in the field and utilize part of that current costs towards supporting the vet tech position. Our first year (and ongoing) funding goal for this funding campaign is $40k for 2022. Please give to this most important goal and help us deliver the best care the fastest way possible.
Give early to the 4 week Vet Tech Campaign (kicking off Thanksgiving weekend!) and enter your name into our gift contest giveaway for exciting prizes (to be announced Christmas Eve). Memo “Love SSC’s vet tech” and your name will be entered! You will also receive our newsletter and coupon page links for great discounts on pet supplies, food, and other pet owner resources, so do it today!